Turfplaner of Georgia
"The new Standard in Athletic Turf Renovations"


Golf Courses

The most common areas in need of repair on golf courses are tee boxes, green collars and fairways.

Tee boxes - The tees on a golf course take the most abuse, therefore they need to be renovated more often. Traditional methods require the removal of grass, tilling sand into rootzone mix, rolling, laser grading and re-sodding. To keep a course open during this type of renovation, temporary tees are often constructed. With Turfplaning™, tees can be leveled in a matter of hours, not days, and there is no need to build temporary tees since the root structure remains intact. Play is for the most part un-interrupted.

Green Collars - Over time, collars or "lips" build up around the edge of the greens. These collars can cause drainage issues as well as affect playability. The "old" way of removing collars is labor intensive, time consuming and expensive. Turfplaning™ is the "perfect" method for removing these collars, much like removing a lip from a baseball field. Play is un-interrupted because the root system remains intact during the process. Many golf courses across the southeast are converting their greens from bent to one of the many ultra dwarfs. This is the "perfect" time to have the collars Turfplaned!

Fairways - As a course gets older, the fairways tend to lose their "roll", as years of thatch buildup breaks down into top soil, and creates ridges across the fairway. Turfplaning™ is used to remove this thatch buildup and return the fairway to its original condition. Turfplaning™ is also used on fairways to remove unwanted grass in preparation for newly chosen sod.
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